Natalie Ashes Team : Web Production Tags : Web Development Performance

Does the order of your navigation matter?

Natalie Ashes Team : Web Production Tags : Web Development Performance

Short answer to my blog title: YES!

As part of our own website project and improvement process, we have been conducting weekly A/B testing on the website using Visual Web Optimiser. The first thing we tested was the order of the navigation.

Initially, it was: About, Services, Case Studies, Blog: Contact was in the header as a separate navigation piece:

Original menu

We looked at the analytics and saw this wasn't the path that people were taking when browsing the site. Working back from the Contact page (our goal), had services as the last visited page. It didn't look like users were going from About to Contact; Services and Case studies were higher performing pages. For this reason we ran a test with the navigation as follows: Services, Case Studies, About, Blog:

Altered menu in A/B tests


The results

The Variation of the new menu had over double the conversions that the original menu:

No brainer results from test

Based on these statistics we are going to change the navigation order and continue to run tests to see if we can improve these stats even more.