Queron Jephcott Team : User Experience and Information Architecture Tags : Technology Usability Tips & Tricks User Experience

Axure 7.0 beta has so many shortcuts that I know I’m doing things the slow way

Queron Jephcott Team : User Experience and Information Architecture Tags : Technology Usability Tips & Tricks User Experience

As Axure 7.0 continues to evolve into a stable release, I’m learning more and more about this new version.

Initially the talk was adaptive views. Everyone was talking adaptive views. It’s the big thing in web design now and every interface designer wanted to know how Axure were going to support it. I’ve tried to play around with it, but I get that feeling that it, like a lot of Axure functionality is for much simpler prototypes than I’m producing.

It’d be nice to think that our websites are just three boxes that move around, but in reality, they’re not.

The biggest change in Axure 7.0 is shortcuts. There are shortcuts everywhere. Not just the hidden toggle in the toolbar (as useful as that is), its things like the ‘this’ item in the interactions menu, which allows you to easily select the widget the interaction belongs to.

The full list of shortcuts is almost overwhelming. So much so, you definitely get the feel that you’re doing things the slow way. Hopefully, I’m not too old to readjust the way I use Axure otherwise I think I’m going to quickly fall behind people starting with Axure 7.0