Edwin Antonian Team : Web Design Tags : Web Design User Experience

Things learnt at WD14

Edwin Antonian Team : Web Design Tags : Web Design User Experience

This is the second year the Wiliam team attended Web Directions South. The line of speakers at the conference was top notch; each speaker brought something unique but all speakers imbued their talks with an effective story telling approach.  


What particularly resinated with my colleagues and I this year was a narrative about collaborative design work and the design process which create stronger project outcomes.


Scott Thomas made a passionate case for delivering more empirical, more democratic and more honest work. This approach involves all in the  design process and allows a tight control of budget and ideas.


"I prefer using numbers—regardless of whether this means qualitative or quantitative studies—and find that can really help inform a design solution"  Scott Thomas - WD14

Jonny Mack continued the narrative when he stated "great work is rarely the result of a single person." He reiterated what Scott had made clear - that design of process / team work is the key to producing good work.  Jonny Mack's model for great team work is a borrowed  ideas from Bruce W. Tuckman  - Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing.



The idea of process did not end with large web teams; Jessica Hische who works as an illustrator (mostly as a sole practitioner) continued to elaborate how her process allows her to sell and control the creative process. 

"Use Process to distract dissent" @simplescott