Bess Batterham Team : Web Operations Tags : Usability Mobile Web

Tablets and Video Are A Good Fit

Bess Batterham Team : Web Operations Tags : Usability Mobile Web

There are no surprises that tablet usage is growing, but if you look at the below figures you can see the rapid increase in tablet users, by not only smartphone users but also non-smartphone owners. With all audiences well over doubling their tablet usage in the past 12 months to April of this year. 

It is important for marketers to not only understand that tablets are becoming the “go to” for many, but to also understand exactly what features are most being used. The new evidence by comScore MobiLens, highlights that tablet users really, really like video. Again, it is not shocking that more people prefer to  watch video on a tablet over a smartphone with tablet screens being at least 7 inches in size but the numbers are still impressive. 

Statistically, tablet owners appear to be older and wealthier, according to comScore’s findings. So another reason why video may be so popular is because it is much easier to see a the larger screen. 

But, whatever the reason, the data shows that tablet use is growing and that tablet users enjoy video and as marketers these trends are certainly noteworthy.  Not only to keep up with the face-paced world of the Internet ensuring you can effectively communicate content in the most palatable way possible. But also, to rise to the challenge of finding a balance between the entertainment value of images and video with the need to educate and inform.