Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Web Design SEO

There’s good reason to invest in an Infographic for your website

Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Web Design SEO

I was with a member of the digital team of a big bank yesterday.

He made the interesting – and possibly entirely foreseeable – point that when it came to ROI from their efforts, especially around Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and traffic, Infographics had by far the biggest return.

I say ‘foreseeable’, because looking back on it; we’re all pretty enamoured and engaged by Infographics. It should be obvious that they achieve a lot from quite a little.

Sure, they’re a tad cliché these days, though when well executed and with great content, they’re compelling.

Better yet, they achieve the sort of outcomes we used to demand from ‘viral’ when that was all the rage some time ago.

(And a lot less expensive than games and videos which today, really are hit and miss at least in terms of their viral characteristics.)


Because Infographics are viral

Infographics attract traffic.

Lots of it.

They also get people talking and sharing.

They encourage people to blog and comment. And link to you.

And they get lots of ‘Likes’ and ‘Retweets’ which is a great thing not only for more traffic, though also for Google.

Because Google loves and rewards these sort of ‘social signals’.


Is it as easy as that?

Probably not.

As with any ‘viral’ campaign, time and effort is needed and you need a base to seed it to in order to get the balls rolling.

Indeed, you need an Infographic and it needs to be good, interesting and relevant.

And that takes time.

By now however, we all know that an investment in content is the right, long-term strategy to pursue and in-terms of bringing people to your website (and ideally getting them to react/convert), Infographics are an avenue definitely worth exploring.