Web 2.0

Most recent blogs in the Web 2.0 category

Modern CSS Techniques

Imagine that you wanted to keep the class names in your HTML as simple and functionally-semantic as possible, but you also wanted to have re-usable generic styles, with presentational-semantics, to avoid repetition.

Simon Miller

AJAX and providing the illusion of efficiency

When you use AJAX on your website, be sure to give your users a visual cue that something happened when they pressed that button.

Robert Beerworth

What do carrots have to do with it?

Talking of Web 2.0 is like wearing Reebok Pumps and Hypercolour T-shirts. Once upon a time however, Web 2.0 was all the rage.

Robert Beerworth

The end of RSS as a consumer phenomenon; the end of the web being technical.

Sad as it is, RSS failed because you probably don’t know what it is.

Like it? Send it!

Facebook Like has a new friend - The Send Button

Robert Beerworth

Microsoft launches an HTML5 demonstration website

With the launch of Internet Explorer 89, Microsoft can finally launch its own HTML5 demonstration website

Roslyn Zolandor

Should you host your own video or use a video hosting provider?

Having video on your website can be a great way to increase your exposure and conversation rates. So what are you options when it comes to putting video on your website? Either you serve the video directly from your website or you use one of the many video hosting providers such as YouTube to stream your video for you.

Roslyn Zolandor

New changes to Facebook Like Button

Facebook has released changes to their very popular Facebook like button. With these changes come the following benefits, more people liking, less people unliking and a cleaner design.

Roslyn Zolandor

Registering a new user on your website via their existing social network account

With an estimated 1.2 billon+ people registered on at least one social network it comes as no surprise that there is a service that leverages this by allowing you to register users on your website through their existing social network account. Janrain Engage provides a service that does just that.

Roslyn Zolandor

Implementing the Facebook Like button on your website

There are 2 ways to implement a Facebook Like button. First using a iFrame which is easier to implement but limited and secondly using XFBML which is more complicated to implement but is more versatile. I will give examples and the pro’s and con’s of each.

Adam Tedeschi

Is the quest for rankings killing the internet?

What happens when user generated content is fake?

Audio Comments on Blogs

Using audio comments on your blog can allow people to record brief comments and post them instead of text. Interesting to see where blogging is going..

Daniel Wright

Social Media ROI

There’s a lot of buzz and excitement about social media on the web at the moment. Everybody wants their website to integrate with facebook or Twitter and so on. There’s no question that these social networks (and others) can be a powerful part of your company’s online presence, but sometimes convincing the corporate decision makers can be difficult.

Government 2.0 – Engaging with the population?

According to the conference website, “Gov 2.0 is developed to answer Web 2.0 implementation questions”.

Social Networking Boosts Your Business

The other day, we mentioned how some businesses are struggling to make the great shift towards going social. Social Networking, as you probably know by now, is now very much in, and with Facebook continuing to rise in popularity, hitting 200 million members early this week, and social networking in general getting more popular every day, it's becoming clear that social networking has a lot to offer the business world.

Why Businesses Should Avoid Free Blogging Services

Whether a beginning blogger or a seasoned expert there is one thing every blogger will need, a blog platform. When determining where to host a blog many individuals immediately turn to free services such as Blogger or LiveJournal. While the easy setup and lack of price tag may make these services an easy sell initially you may find that you get what you pay for in the long run.

Roslyn Zolandor

Responding to Negative Comments

If your blog has a regular readership then there’s a good chance your posts are generating comments. While this is a great way increase interest and involvement in your site, negative comments can quickly sour the atmosphere and damage your reputation.

The Benefits of Commenting on Blogs

Do you ever leave comments on the blogs you read? If not, you may want to consider engaging in this practice. Adding blog comments can offer several benefits

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