Adding Twitter To Your Website

In the past, we’ve looked at how you can maximize the potential of Twitter for your business by following what your customers have to say about you. The next step is to maximize how you communicate with your users utilizing Twitter.

By now, you are probably familiar with the power of sending short, instant updates to your customers. They can be immediately notified of news, specials and other information which helps keep your business on their mind. However, this information will only be seen by individuals who have an account with Twitter and have chosen to follow you. Although the popularity of Twitter is growing, not everyone is ready to join this service yet. Depending on the demographics of your target market, a large portion of your customers could fall into this group.

Fortunately, there is a solution to ensure all customers are aware of your updates, regardless of their status with Twitter. Twitter updates can be displayed directly on your web site. There are several ways you can accomplish this. You could download and install a web component such as Monitter or you could have a developer write the functionality.

The benefits of displaying Twitter updates on your website go far beyond keeping all customers informed. If up to the minute news and information is a top priority for your website, you may find that Twitter is one of the best options for populating this content. Entering an update in Twitter is generally easier than traditional methods for updating your web content. The real power comes from Twitters ability to receive updates from SMS. This means you can send an update via a text message on your mobile phone. Imagine how wonderful it would be to send a critical update immediately, even if you didn’t have a computer or Internet connection available.