Building Sites for Tablets

The release of the iPad in April 2010 brought about a revolution for those who wanted to browse the web on the go. A couple of years later and the tablet market is well and truly established, with sales topping 20 million in 2010 alone and expected to quadruple by 2012. This has posed a challenge for corporations, business and web design firms alike, having to ensure websites looked equally good on a full size computer screen as well as on a potentially much smaller tablet.

A clear example of how fast the technology industry moves, a few years back if you had to design/build a website you would do so with a handful of browsers in mind. Now, there are so many different types of full/mobile browsers that it is a far greater challenge to design a website that will please computer and tablet users alike.

A few years later and websites are far more media savvy. Gone are the masses of texts, replaced by big graphics and big buttons. Clickable links are now large so that tablet users can easily navigate throughout websites. Mobile website versions don’t seem to be enough anymore, you need a full website which can be accessed from a tablet. 

Now that tables have become more pervasive, it is important to do so. If you don’t have one you may lose customers. Users are frequently doing their shopping, etc from their couch/bed on their tablets so if your website isn’t easily accessible from a tablet people will shy away from it.

Here at Wiliam I know that during the planning stages of building or changing a website, the way they will look on tablet or mobile device is a key consideration. Doing so will ensure that customers will be able to access your site no matter what platform they use may that be a tablet, a laptop or their phone.

Lastly, you can check-out:

A great link to help developers to implement drag and drop on tablets and smartphones!