Customer Journey Maps

Customer journey mapping is an integral part of the process of understanding what drives user engagement and conversion. 

A customer journey map is a diagram that illustrates the steps your customers go through in engaging with your company.

It’s a simple but powerful device which can be large scale (looking at the entire arc of engagement) or to look at very specific customer-company interactions. 

There are certain elements you should consider when mapping out the customer journey:

Actions: What action is the customer taking at each stage of the process? How and when are they typically moving on to the next stage?

Motivations: What motivation is there for a customer to finish this journey?

Questions: How are we servicing those customer who, for lack of information, may decide against converting business?

Barriers: What unnecessary barriers are being put in front of those customers who would otherwise be conversion oriented? These could be as simple as cost and time, or they could extend to site architecture, in which case the primary goal is to design the site in a way that make getting to the end of the journey as simple as possible.

Check out this diagram on creating a powerful interactive system, incorporating the customer journey, from Gianluca Brugnoli