Tags : SEO

SEO isn't bolt on - it should start early on in your project

Tags : SEO

So often we get SEO clients who have gone through the highs and lows of web development (with another developer) to build their website only to find out their website has no SEO considerations whatsoever.

Many people believe SEO can just be bolted on into the future. This can be done, though if you want to compete with the big boys in your industry - SEO must be thought of and worked into your strategy from your initial concept. Changing some page titles and meta data after the development just doesn't cut it anymore.

This means you must be engaging with a development firm that allows their SEO people to critique and add feedback about how the search strategy would fit in with the IA, Design and development. If your agency doesn't do this, the communication gap is widening and will cost you more money into the future.